Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ferst Annual Lewis Grizzard Bike Ride

Help us support a great cause

Our Mission
  • Provide age-appropriate books for every child under the age of five in Coweta County.
Did You Know?
  • Sixty-one percent of low-income families do not have a single piece of age-appropriate reading material in their home?
  • One-third of Georgia’s children start school unprepared to learn?
  • Seventy-five percent of Georgia’s students who are poor readers in the third grade will remain poor readers in high school?
How Do Books Help?
  • The more words a child hears, the larger the child’s vocabulary and the larger the child’s vocabulary, the more likely the child will be a proficient reader.  However, in order to read with a child, books must be in the home.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Toyota of Newnan Charity Ride

Our big ride is coming up in April.

Check out the flyer!  Spread the word to family and friends.  It benefits a great  cause!  For more information on the Coweta County Samaritan Clinic, visit their website at http://www.cowetasamaritanclinic.org/
If you have any questions about the event, please email beckcycling@gmail.com

Thursday, January 5, 2012